[Eagle-i-admins] Documentation for versions 3.5.0 & 3.7.2 now available

Sophia K Cheng sophia_cheng at hms.harvard.edu
Mon Jun 29 15:14:12 EDT 2015

Dear eagle-i sys admins,

The long awaited for documentation for the recent releases is now 
available.  Please note that there is no version 3.6.  There were severe 
performance issues in 3.6. Instead of stretching our release schedule, 
we decided to call 3.6 done and not releasable and move onto 3.7.x.


Notable changes in these versions are:
* solr library upgraded to 4.10.2
* functional fixes for Catalyst & Experimental API
* the url for navigation has changed

Please let us know if you have any questions or problems.  Thank you for 
your patience.


*Sophia K. Cheng*/
Technical Lead/
Harvard Catalyst | eagle-i
email:  sophia­_cheng at hms.harvard.edu <mailto:_cheng at hms.harvard.edu>
skype: sophia.k.cheng

Harvard Medical School
Harvard Catalyst | The Harvard Clinical and Translational Science Center
Landmark Center, Suite 504 West
401 Park Drive
Boston, MA 02215

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