[Eagle-i-admins] ETL Multiple Affiliations

Ciriello, Marc Marc_Ciriello at hms.harvard.edu
Tue Jul 22 11:55:27 EDT 2014

Hi Joshua:

I don't have a solution for your technical question, but can suggest a work-around of sorts. You could ETL the organization (correct me if these are not organization records) and add the affiliations manually in the SWEET thereafter. It might be less trouble to do that, depending on the number of records, than to troubleshoot the ETL process.

If anyone else has experience with ETL and can provide a different tip or solution, please reply.


From: "Lease, Joshua" <jlease at hmc.psu.edu<mailto:jlease at hmc.psu.edu>>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 16:06:39 -0400
To: "eagle-i-admins at open.med.harvard.edu<mailto:eagle-i-admins at open.med.harvard.edu>" <eagle-i-admins at open.med.harvard.edu<mailto:eagle-i-admins at open.med.harvard.edu>>
Subject: [Eagle-i-admins] ETL Multiple Affiliations


I am attempting to import data via the ETL, but cannot figure out how to import an item with multiple affiliations. Separating the affiliations via a semi-colon (like most fields with multiple entries) does not work. Has anyone figured this out already?

    Joshua Lease

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