1. Launch Instance of the eagle-i AMI

For more detailed information on how to launch an EC2 Instance from an AMI, please see AWS Documentation: Launching an Instance.

  1. Go to your EC2 Dashboard.
  2. Click on the Launch Instance button
  3. Select the Community AMIs tab on the left
  4. Search for 'eaglei'
  5. Select the latest eagle-i AMI

    Latest eagle-i AMI
    eaglei-4.3.0-20160605 - ami-39e81654
    Root device type: ebs Virtualization type: hvm
  6. Choose an Instance Type that is appropriate for your installation. For the available instance types as of August 2016, we recommend:


    2. PRODUCTION NODE m3.medium

  7. Click on the Review and Launch button
  8. Click on Edit Security groups
  9. Click on the Add Rule button
  10. Select HTTPS from the drop down
  11. Click on the Review and Launch button
  12. Click on the Launch button
  13. Select the key pair that was created when allocating the EC2 resources.
  14. Click on the Launch Instance button

2. Wait for Instance to complete initialization

For more detailed information about the instance lifecycle, please see AWS Documentation: EC2 Instance Lifecycle.

  1. Go to the Instances view by doing either:
    1. Click on the EC2 Instance ID in the Launch Status page
    2. Go to your EC2 Dashboard and click on Running Instances
  2. Wait for the Instance State to go from Pending to Running
  3. If you are running an EVALUATION/DEVELOPMENT NODE, make note of the Public DNS  

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