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Default MIME type

Additional MIME types









Identify and/or "Create" Current User ( /whoami)

This request returns a tabular report on the current authenticated user's identity, to compose a friendly display in a Web UI. This is simply a SPARQL query wrapped in a servlet to hide the details of the internal data.


format---the MIME type (and charset) of the input document's serialization format. This overrides any content-type on the content arg's entity.
type=(user|resource|transition|role|grant)---which type of data is to be imported, one MUST be chosen and there is no default. MUST match the type of the exported data.
content=stream..---the serialized RDF data to import, must have been generated by export of the same type of data.
transform=(yes|no)---Required, no default. When 'yes', URIs of imported instances are transformed into new, unique URIs resolvable by the importing repository. When 'no', URIs are left as they are.
duplicate=(abort|ignore|replace)---how to handle an import that would result in a duplicate object. Default is abort.
newgraph=(abort|create)---how to handle a resource instance import that would result in creating a new named graph for the data. Must be superuser to choose 'create'. Default is abort.
{{include=list.. }}---Explicit list of user or resource instances to include in the import. Format is a series of resource URIs separated by commas (",") and optional spaces. Users may also be referenced by username. IMPORTANT NOTE: The URIs in the include (and exclude) lists are matched against URIs in the imported source file, NOT the repository.
{{exclude=list.. }}---Explicit list of user or resource instances to exclude from the import. Mutually exclusive with include, format is the same. Useful for avoiding conflicts, for example, when loading a user export into a repository where the initial admin user already exists.
ignoreACL=(true|false)---Ignore all access control grants on imported objects. The imported objects will not have any specific access grants.

Send Contact E-


mail  (/emailContact)

This service has not been rigorously designed, so it does not have a specification of behavior. This section only documents how to call it, the internal actions it takes are still under discussion.
