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  1. Navigate to Tomcat's webapps directory. If there exist a directory named ROOT, move it aside. The eagle-i repository must be the ROOT application

    No Format
    cd ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps
    mv ROOT ROOT.original
  2. Copy the repository webapp to the Tomcat webapps directory:

    No Format
    cp ${REPO_HOME}/webapps/ROOT.war ${CATALINA_HOME}/webapps/.
  3. Create your initial administrative user login. Think of a USERNAME and PASSWORD and substitute them for the upper case words in this command:

    No Format
  4. Start up Tomcat.
  5. Run the finish-install script, which loads the data model ontology among other things. Note that you can also give it additional options to specify a personal name and email box for the initial admin user.

    No Format
    bash ${REPO_HOME}/etc/ USERNAME PASSWORD https://localhost:8443

    ...or, with username metadata included:

    No Format
    bash ${REPO_HOME}/etc/ \
    -f firstname \
    -l lastname \
    -m \
    USERNAME PASSWORD https://localhost:8443
  6. Run the script, which preforms additional configurations.

    No Format
    bash ${REPO_HOME}/etc/ USERNAME PASSWORD https://localhost:8443
  7. Copy the file in located in {${REPO_HOME} }}into a  file named {{  and edit the latter to reflect your installation. See the #Configuration section below for details on the property definitions and expected values.
  8. Restart Tomcat to pick up these configuration changes. Confirm that the eagle-i repository is running by visiting the admin page (login with USERNAME and PASSWORD):

    No Format




This is the procedure to upgrade an existing repository instance to a new release of the software. All existing configurations, data, and user accounts are preserved. However, if the upgrade includes ontology changes there will also be an extra procedure to transform the existing data to reconcile it with ontology changes. 
