[Shrine-users] SHRINE 2.0.0 is available

Walend, David David_Walend at hms.harvard.edu
Fri Sep 13 13:39:38 EDT 2019

The SHRINE team has released Shrine 2.0.0, recommended for all SHRINE networks.

SHRINE 2.0.0 is not backwards compatible with any previous version of Shrine. Coordinate your upgrade with your network administrator.

Major New Features Include:

Intermediate Progress for Queries

  *   Researchers can observe their queries making progress from their local node to the hub, out to SHRINE's adapters and into the CRC.
  *   Researchers no longer need to take any action to retrieve QUEUED query results from the CRC; SHRINE's adapter now polls the CRC and proactively sends results back to the researcher's local node.

Major Security Enhancements

  *   SHRINE no longer includes shrine-proxy.war which enabled several exploits.
  *   SHRINE no longer requires a firewall hole to allow downstream nodes to act as servers for the hub. Downstream nodes no longer need to trust personnel they do not authenticate.
  *   SHRINE no longer records the unobfuscated count result received from the CRC.

Network Health Web Page

  *   SHRINE includes a new feature that periodically tests and supplies a simple report of network health.

Simpler Downstream Node Maintenance and Upgrades

  *   Downstream node admins may now stop SHRINE for brief periods of time without missing queries from remote researchers. Those queries accumulate at the hub. The downstream node will be asked to run those queries when the node is ready.
  *   SHRINE's new internal data structures are versioned so that future upgrades may possibly be backward-compatible – even if the contents of those structures changes. Future upgrades of SHRINE may not have to be coordinated across a whole network.

New Back-End Architecture for SHRINE

  *   Most of these changes are enabled by a new back-end architecture for SHRINE based on message-oriented middleware. This change also opens up many possible future enhancements for SHRINE.


  *   Full Release Notes ( https://open.med.harvard.edu/wiki/display/SHRINE/2.0.0+Release+Notes )
  *   Upgrade Instructions ( https://open.med.harvard.edu/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=71434469 )
  *   Installation Guide ( https://open.med.harvard.edu/wiki/display/SHRINE/SHRINE+Installation+Guide )

Thank you,

David Walend
SHRINE Tech Lead

HMS Catalyst
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