[Shrine-users] Timeout Issue

Phillip Reeder Phillip.Reeder at UTSouthwestern.edu
Mon Apr 21 10:56:44 EDT 2014

I’ve attached the error log.  The timeout does take about 4 minutes to show up.

I’ve got a call into our firewall group to see if there is some connection being blocked between our servers, but you would think if both servers can send queries to each other, the firewall wouldn’t be the issue.


From: Luke Vincent Rasmussen <luke.rasmussen at northwestern.edu<mailto:luke.rasmussen at northwestern.edu>>
Date: Monday, April 21, 2014 at 9:20 AM
To: Phillip Reeder <phillip.reeder at utsouthwestern.edu<mailto:phillip.reeder at utsouthwestern.edu>>, "shrine-users at open.med.harvard.edu<mailto:shrine-users at open.med.harvard.edu>" <shrine-users at open.med.harvard.edu<mailto:shrine-users at open.med.harvard.edu>>
Subject: Re: [Shrine-users] Timeout Issue

Philip – are there any other errors in the logs?  Is this timing out after like 4.5 minutes, or is it a different timeout?  When we were playing around with our topology configuration, we got into a similar situation – we had turned off broadcasting on one of the nodes, and got a timeout response in the "local" node eventually.  It might not be the same underlying issue, but sounds like a similar result that you're seeing.

Our setup too was two VMs talking to each other – very controlled, and without any firewall issues.  If you have true local/remote nodes set up, I'm not sure if there is something blocking the response back from the remote node (assuming everything else is set up).


From: Phillip Reeder <Phillip.Reeder at UTSouthwestern.edu<mailto:Phillip.Reeder at UTSouthwestern.edu>>
Date: Sunday, April 20, 2014 8:13 PM
To: "shrine-users at open.med.harvard.edu<mailto:shrine-users at open.med.harvard.edu>" <shrine-users at open.med.harvard.edu<mailto:shrine-users at open.med.harvard.edu>>
Subject: [Shrine-users] Timeout Issue

We are having an odd timeout issue and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions.  Basically, when I run a query, the query is sent to our local node and the remote shrine node.  In the local shrine.log file,  we see the query run and the results return to the log file.  In the remote host’s shrine.log file, we also see it receive the query, and the results come back into the log, but it never returns upstream.

Any ideas?  We know our shine nodes are talking to each other, but for some reason, the results are not making it back from the remote shrine server, and into the webclient.



UT Southwestern Medical Center
The future of medicine, today.
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