[Eagle-i-admins] installing on VM

Neiman, David David_Neiman at hms.harvard.edu
Mon Jul 28 08:28:45 EDT 2014


The sweet log file (sweet.log) indicates an obvious and fatal problem. The application cannot find your eagle-i-apps.properties file so cannot start up. This file needs to be placed in the Tomcat classpath. This is one of the directories where Tomcat has access to eagle-i files. There is an "eagle-i home" directory which should be set in the Tomcat catalina.properties file. This file can be found in your Tomcat deployment in the conf/ directory.

The value in catalina.properties: org.eaglei.home=<some value>
Within that value the should also be a conf/ directory which should contain your eagle-i-apps.properties file.

Dave Neiman
eagle-i team

On Jul 25, 2014, at 1:25 PM, Faith Coldren <fcoldren at mail.med.upenn.edu<mailto:fcoldren at mail.med.upenn.edu>> wrote:


I have set up a VM (test environment) to install the current version of eagle-i that Penn is running (2.0 MS2.14) and test the upgrade procedure.

On the VM, I installed the repo (following the installation instructions) and copied in the data from our live instance of eagle-i (using the curl commands<https://open.med.harvard.edu/wiki/display/eaglei/Repository+Installation,+Upgrade+and+Administration+Guide#RepositoryInstallationUpgradeandAdministrationGuide-make-snapshotshScript> for Restoring from make-snapshot). However, I cannot seem to correctly install SWEET (following install directions<https://open.med.harvard.edu/wiki/display/eaglei/SWEET+and+Institutional+Search+Installation+and+Upgrade+Guide>).

The repo is available on my machine at<> and I can access the repository administration at However, gives a HTTP status 404.

It looks like there are a bunch of errors in the sweet.log file. I've attached this file.

What should I do to install SWEET?

Thank you,

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