[Eagle-i-admins] New process and data migration issues & clarification of properties [2.0-MS2.14]

Cheng, Sophia Sophia_Cheng at hms.harvard.edu
Tue Jul 23 19:51:33 EDT 2013

Dear wonderful early adopters,

We have realized with this release that we have reached a tipping point with the number of external eagle-i system administrators and our ability to respond to each of you in an efficient manner.  Particularly, we have seen with this release that several people have run into similar issues.  To be more efficient, we would like to begin using a mailing list to handle system administration questions, e.g. stale documentation on our part regarding data migration.  The entire eagle-i software development team will also be subscribed to this email, in addition to Daniela, Marc and myself.  We hope that in this way, we can respond to any issues in a more timely matter. We truly appreciate all of your patience and want to be able to work with you in the most efficient manner for everyone.

Also, please note that in addition to general system administration questions, we will be using this mailing list to communicate other important information for early adopters, such as upcoming releases, patches, etc.

To this end, going forward, we would like to request that all system administration questions be directed to the mailing list: eagle-i-admins at open.med.harvard.edu<mailto:eagle-i-admins at open.med.harvard.edu>.  For the sake of consistency, I have also copied the list with this email to maintain a record. You can subscribe to the list here: https://open.med.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/eagle-i-admins.

Now, regarding some of the issues that have been encountered:
(1) Some of you have reported having issues running the data-migration.sh for the latest release, 2.0-MS2.14.  This issue manifests with notification of incorrect/missing parameters during the execution of the script, but the script does not fail.  The output looks similar to the attached file.  I have been unable to reproduce the error using the files that were mentioned in the initial email:
Datamangement Toolkit -  http://infra.search.eagle-i.net:8081/nexus/content/repositories/releases/org/eagle-i/eagle-i-datatools-datamanagement/
Repository -  http://infra.search.eagle-i.net:8081/nexus/content/repositories/releases/org/eagle-i/eagle-i-repository-dist/

Not everyone has run into this problem, so I'm wondering if I could ask those of you who have had problems to remove your existing eagle-i-datatools-datamanagement.jar, re-download the jar and try the script again.

(2) Another issue that has been reported has been due to misconfigured property files.  Going forward, the definitive example for properties for any release (2.0-MS2.13 and future) can be found here: http://infra.search.eagle-i.net:8081/nexus/content/repositories/releases/org/eagle-i/eagle-i-configuration/.  For this release (2.0-MS2.14), you may find the examples, after unzipping the file, in this path: [..]/installer/opt/eaglei/. The examples have reasonable default values where possible. Properties that require your institution specific information can be found with in double braces, e.g. {{ some_value }}.  Notable changes with this release for the properties files are:

- Configuration.properties for the properties
+-- The logo can now also be specified using a url, e.g. http://www.wizard.of.oz/rainbow.jpg
+-- Two (2) new required properties:
+==== eaglei.repository.searchBar.javascript.url - Base URL path to location of stand-alone javascript for creating the search bar. Javascript is expected to be in a directory named ‘standalone’ at the location of this property.
+==== eaglei.repository.centralSearch.url -  Full URL path to application where searches from the search bar will be performed.

- eagle-i-apps.properties
+-- Two (2) new required properties:
+==== eaglei.repository.searchBar.javascript.url - Base URL path to location of stand-alone javascript for creating the search bar. Javascript is expected to be in a directory named ‘standalone’ at the location of this property.
+==== eaglei.repository.centralSearch.url -  Full URL path to application where searches from the search bar will be performed.

(3) With this release, we have moved the configuration of the logging out of the .war and into the conf folder.  You will find in the sample configuration folder mentioned above two new files, sweet.log4j.properties and institution.log4j.properties.  If you would like to increase the level of logging to your log files, you may edit these files and then restart your tomcat for the applications to pick up the new settings.

(4) There is a known bug in the current release regarding how urls are specified in the property file.  If the property takes a url, you must explicit define it in the file with http or https, depending on whether or not the end point uses SSL. In the case of the urls pointing to www.eagle-I.net<http://www.eagle-I.net> or search.eagle-I.net<http://search.eagle-I.net>, please be sure to use https.

We strongly encourage for everyone's benefit to sign up for this mailing list (https://open.med.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/eagle-i-admins) and to direct future questions (including replies to this email) to eagle-i-admins at open.med.harvard.edu<mailto:eagle-i-admins at open.med.harvard.edu>.  Thank you for your patience.


Sophia K. Cheng
Software Technical Lead
eagle-i @ Harvard University
Vanderbilt Hall, 019
107 Avenue Louis Pasteur
Boston MA 02115
Skype: sophia.k.cheng
Web: www.eagle-i.net<http://www.eagle-i.net>

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